
Chinese Military Coronavirus Whistleblower? Hong Kong Connection/Event 201/World Military Games

Uploaded a new video, gathering key info stemming from an alleged Chinese military intel officer whistleblower revealing true nature of corona virus. Is virus really a bioweapon originally intended to suppress Hong Kong protests? What are the Chinese people saying about the outbreak? You may be surprised. Did you know a simulated coronavirus outbreak was conducted just 6 weeks before real world outbreak? Event 201, held in NYC hosted by John Hopkins Center For Health Security partnered with Wold Economic Forum, & the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Simultaneous to Event 201, the World Military Games, featuring UN Troops are held where?… In WUHAN, CHINA! You can’t make this stuff up.


A deeper understanding of technocracy — Jon Rappoport’s Blog

A deeper understanding of technocracy by Jon Rappoport December 26, 2016 Technocracy is the basic agenda and plan for ruling global society from above, so we need to understand it from several angles. Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century. They work for a company that has a contract to […]

via A deeper understanding of technocracy — Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Donald Trump, Geopolitics



President-elect Donald Trump tells it like it is, calling out Fidel Castro as a “Brutal dictator” who “oppressed his own people for nearly six decades.”

He later issued a protracted statement passed along to the media by his Director of Communications, Jason Miller:



Central Banks {TPTB} Are Terrified: Nullifying Their Quantitative Enslavement Experiment

This quiet revolutionary process has its origins in 2008 when the Icelandic government decided to nationalise the three largest banks, Landsbanki, Kaupthing and Glitnir, whose clients were mainly British, and North and South American.After the State took over, the official currency (krona) plummeted and the stock market suspended its activity after a 76% collapse. Iceland was becoming bankrupt and to save the situation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) injected U.S. $ 2,100 million and the Nordic countries helped with another 2,500 million.

Source: Central Banks {TPTB} Are Terrified: Nullifying Their Quantitative Enslavement Experiment


Rockefeller Also Known As Levingston: The Snake Oil Salesman Of The United States!

The image of the traveling snake oil salesman of 19th century America is by now a familiar trope. It is the image of the heartless huckster who preys upon the trust of the general public to swindle…

Source: Rockefeller Also Known As Levingston: The Snake Oil Salesman Of The United States!


The Era Of Rothschild’s Unelected Centralization Is Ending Right Before Our Eyes

The most critical element of the BREXIT is that it is THE closing bell being rung on the period of Centralization from 2009 to today. What do I meant by Centralization? I am referring to the era of…

Source: The Era Of Rothschild’s Unelected Centralization Is Ending Right Before Our Eyes
